Monday, June 6, 2016

Quicksilver summary

Quicksilver possessed superhuman speed, and could travel on foot at speeds exceeding the speed of sound for hundreds of miles before tiring; he could "fly" for short distances by flapping his arms or "vibrating" his legs; he could also use his speed to create cyclones, dodge machine gun and laser fire, and run up walls and across water. When the High Evolutionary's Isotope E upgraded his powers, he did not know the true limits of his speed.Following the loss of his mutant nature, Quicksilver exposed himself to the Terrigen Mists, resulting in him now possessing the power to vibrate his atoms so quickly he travels forward in time. His molecular speed that he generates displaces him out of the mainstream time/space so that he is able to propel himself into the future. He can leap from thirty seconds to up to twelve days, and remain for several minutes to several hours before being recalled to his present time once his body tires, or he can return at will before his time is up. As he returns from his trip, he returns the exact moment he left so as to appear that he has been gone for half a nano-second. He is able to bring inorganic objects from the future back to his correct time, although it has yet been shown what would happen if he attempted to bring organic objects with him. These new powers are having an affect on his physical health. Each time he meets up with his future self (if indeed the person he meets is his future self), the future self looks more and more haggard. After the incident on Genosha, Pietro continued to inhale the Mists of Terrigen and has apparently obtained the power, with the shards of the Mists in his hands, to restore other mutants’ powers. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Black Butler

Hi guys welcome back to the sage were are going to be talking about a anime that i really really enjoyed. Black Butler was a very interesting show, i liked that it kept mysteries for you to keep watching all the way to the end. This anime is about a rich kid that owns a company of toys that are distributed and soled all over the world. The reason he owns this company is because parents were killed in a fire. He is the owner of the family company because he is the heir to the company. The reason it is called Black Butler is Because he comes back from the fire after some time with a mysterious butler.This butler can do anything and I mean anything. This particular anime might get boring at a point but i promise it gets better but dont stop watching. 
I give this anime 4 stars out of 5. This Is SageMaster signing out☺☻

Monday, May 9, 2016

thor's hammer against captain Americas shield

In Marvel continuity, Mjolnir is forged by Dwarven blacksmiths, and is composed of the fictional Asgardian metal uru. The side of the hammer carries the inscription "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."
Yeah, that's because it's made of vibranium, a fictional metal that absorbs any and all vibrations. The shield is the only one of its kind and it can disperse just about any force directed at it. That's why Cap wasn't liquified when Thor “put the hammer down” on him in the first Avengers movie. 

Monday, April 25, 2016


Pacman is a awesome game and i am reviewing it because recently i have been playing it and have loved it i have played to beat many levels.It is a fun game with strategy about how to evade ghost but catch all the orbs and fruits.I recommend it but that's not all i have been playing all types of arcade games like Centipede,Gallica and other famous ones. But the ones i really recommend are gallica and pacman.

Monday, February 1, 2016


Sekirei is a awesome anime it is about this guy getting a harem of girls with powers and each girl has a number that determines how powerful they are.
It all starts with this guy running into a girl with powers and just from there on it gets very very interesting. I kind of want to leave the rest of the anime to you but so you know the the anime is MA.
The thing is that the sekirei sometimes fight each other but this series is mostly about his harem and how the girls like him so if your into this type of harem anime then yeah this is for you. But, this anime is right next to sword art online on my top 5 best anime .well this is post was to give people suggestions on what to watch so i hope you enjoy especially the guys out there that love ecchi anime LOL.

This is Sage Master signing out!!! ☺☻☺☻

Monday, January 4, 2016

Blogging in 2015

I had a very nice time blogging last year. It was fun to inform people about everything cool. This year I am going to be writing reviews on a lot of different things with my own opinion .

Potential Topics 2016

  • Anime 
  • Video Games 
  • Secrets
  • All Things Cool