Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Prostitution of medicine in the United States

In this blog I have some information that is going to blow your mind.The sad reality of what the medical industry has become because of the pharmaceutical industries influence it all starts in the universities the pharmaceutical companies are the largest contributors of money for the medical students in all the universities in the United States they are grooming their future drug pushers so that they can later reap the benefits. The pharmaceutical industry or big Pharma as they are referred to are the number 2 money producers in Wall Street next to the petroleum industry now remember petroleum runs everything in the world  and these guys are a very close number two in revenues that should tell you something about the power that these people have from lobbyists in Washington to the AMA to everything else. I am about to tell you a true story about something that happened to my father when he opened his first clinic back in 1995 two guys walked into the clinic and asked to speak to the doctor then they said to him Dr. we are from a company called Dean Witter this is an investment company to invest in stocks. After the short introduction they started to show him portfolios of stock in pharmaceutical companies they told him that if he prescribed the medication that these pharmaceutical companies made it would be more likely for the stock to go up and a stock that he would purchase for 15 or $20 at the end of his career it would be a nice little nest egg, The stocks would be worth 10 times the amount in the future. My father being of moral character told them to please leave his office. you see I believe that this should be illegal. physicians should not be able to have stock in pharmaceutical companies this is an industry that they control and whenever you have control over the outcome of a stock well we all saw what they did to Martha Stewart but the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors are in cahoots and are so powerful that they are untouchable so they are above the law in this sense and every day they get richer and more powerful and the ones that are suffering are the people like you and me that go to the doctor and are given medications when they are not needed, chemotherapy when there is no cancer, mammograms as a preventive measure for cancer when all the research shows that mammograms cause cancer of the breast. You see they have turned The medical industry into a very lucrative business where the pharmaceutical companies and the physicians are getting wealthier and wealthier every day, this is a very dangerous situation because not all physicians are of moral character and like the saying says the love of money is the root of all evil. These pharmaceutical companies go to the doctors offices and offer them trips and golf clubs and mini vacations just to promote a new drug that has come out they call it promote when it really is just drug pushing I can go on for hours about this because it's something that my father is very passionate about and ever since I was a small baby I've been listening to all of his speeches on the matter but I'm going to leave some information for the next blog where I will tell you about the cancer industry and the doctors who have cured cancer but are persecuted for it and jailed like common criminals.

Well I hope you enjoyed, this is Sage Master signing out!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you have awareness of how corrupt it is for healthcare to be a corportate business venture.
