Monday, December 14, 2015

The Irregular at Magic High School

Hello guys today we are going to be reviewing The Irregular at Magic High School I really enjoyed this anime because he is basically a bad a$$ who enters a magic high school and the people around him don't even know who he is, but that is all i am going to say about that part because I don't want to spoil it for you. He uses a lot of secret types of magic that people don't even know about. He can even cancel others peoples magic and can also read sequences of the magic when on sequence is like 1000 of 1000 of words and codes so he is like really awesome.I really really recommend this anime it is a really good anime.

This is Sage Master signing out!!☺☻See yaa

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The truth about the cancer industry and the doctors of death

In this blog I will be exploring with you the truth about the cancer industry and the doctors of death. The truth is that cancer is a very curable disease but it is such a lucrative business that they are not going to find a cancer cure only because it is not I was doing research for this blog I ran into a quote that caught my attention it's states there are more people who live off of cancer then those who have died of cancer this is very interesting. If you think about it all the oncologist who studied for years to only treat cancer and the chemotherapy drugs that are worth millions of dollars. it's a whole new field called nuclear medicine, what would they do with all these poisons and all these doctors if someone like Dr. Brezinski or Dr. Tulio Simonsini found a cure for cancer. These are just two of the ones that I'm going to talk about.
Dr. Brezinski 
 Dr. Brezinski was a brilliant physician who was looking for a way to diagnose cancer and found that the people who have cancer lack a specific enzyme in the urine. This was quite a breakthrough because he had found a way to diagnose people that had cancer with a urine test. well he took it a step further and decided what if I were to isolate this enzyme and inject it from healthy donors to cancer patients. Well he was onto something he found the cure for cancer he had more than 6000 patients cured of cancer's that were inoperable. His studies caught the attention of the FDA, they started to make his life a living hell, they persecuted him and they said that he was injecting urine from healthy people into cancer patients and they had him arrested and raided  his clinic, stole all his equipment and research, now you get the idea. You know the funniest thing about this is that one of the main birth controls used in this country is extracted from a hormone that they get from horse urine, you can inject horse urine into females so that they cant have babies but you cannot inject human urine into patients so that they will not die. This is bullshit the other one is a more recently current event it is an Italian doctor by the name of  Tulio Simonsini this Guy discovered that cancer tumors can be eradicated by simply injecting them with medical grade sodium bicarbonate by changing the pH of the cancer tumor, the cell can no longer hold onto it's structure and it disperses, this was a huge breakthrough so you would think. But for this contribution he was ridiculed by his peers stripped of his medical license and jailed like a common criminal. His attorney gathered over 1000 letters of cured patients for his defense and the court had no choice but to release him. You want to know the funny part his charges upon his arrest were using unapproved procedures to treat cancer you see if you're treating cancer and the procedure that you're using is not approved by the FDA you are in direct violation of the law. You want to know another one, if you are under age and you are diagnosed with cancer you have no choice but to get chemotherapy if your parents refuse the chemotherapy the state takes custody of the child and you are obligated to poison your body with this crap. You see this is no longer medicine it's more like fascism. And here is another fun fact about chemotherapy it is in a classification of nuclear medicine this means that the pharmaceutical company does not sell it to the pharmacies it will only sell it directly to the oncologist therefore the oncologists are the ones reaping all the benefits. Here's an example: the pharmaceutical company sells the treatment of chemotherapy to the oncologist for $4000 the oncologist turns around and sells it to the insurance company of the patient for $9000, that's $5000 per treatment it takes 10 to 12 treatments supposedly to cure someone or better yet to kill them, you see it's a very lucrative business. And things like ozone therapy, Laetrile which is vitamin B-17,  wormwood, and many others are suppressed by the FDA and big Pharma so that people continue to rely on the medical industry and the doctors of death for their prescriptions and their chemotherapy and everything else that makes them so much money. society has turned into what I call sheeple people that go like sheep to the slaughter house without asking questions or saying a word in fear of reprimand or persecution by the power Industry that runs the healthcare in this country.well i could also go on for hours on this article but i feel like you get the idea. on my next blog i will be talking about some of the unapproved therapies that i mentioned cured cancer earlier in the blog.

This is Sage Master signing out with another hot topic!  

Prostitution of medicine in the United States

In this blog I have some information that is going to blow your mind.The sad reality of what the medical industry has become because of the pharmaceutical industries influence it all starts in the universities the pharmaceutical companies are the largest contributors of money for the medical students in all the universities in the United States they are grooming their future drug pushers so that they can later reap the benefits. The pharmaceutical industry or big Pharma as they are referred to are the number 2 money producers in Wall Street next to the petroleum industry now remember petroleum runs everything in the world  and these guys are a very close number two in revenues that should tell you something about the power that these people have from lobbyists in Washington to the AMA to everything else. I am about to tell you a true story about something that happened to my father when he opened his first clinic back in 1995 two guys walked into the clinic and asked to speak to the doctor then they said to him Dr. we are from a company called Dean Witter this is an investment company to invest in stocks. After the short introduction they started to show him portfolios of stock in pharmaceutical companies they told him that if he prescribed the medication that these pharmaceutical companies made it would be more likely for the stock to go up and a stock that he would purchase for 15 or $20 at the end of his career it would be a nice little nest egg, The stocks would be worth 10 times the amount in the future. My father being of moral character told them to please leave his office. you see I believe that this should be illegal. physicians should not be able to have stock in pharmaceutical companies this is an industry that they control and whenever you have control over the outcome of a stock well we all saw what they did to Martha Stewart but the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors are in cahoots and are so powerful that they are untouchable so they are above the law in this sense and every day they get richer and more powerful and the ones that are suffering are the people like you and me that go to the doctor and are given medications when they are not needed, chemotherapy when there is no cancer, mammograms as a preventive measure for cancer when all the research shows that mammograms cause cancer of the breast. You see they have turned The medical industry into a very lucrative business where the pharmaceutical companies and the physicians are getting wealthier and wealthier every day, this is a very dangerous situation because not all physicians are of moral character and like the saying says the love of money is the root of all evil. These pharmaceutical companies go to the doctors offices and offer them trips and golf clubs and mini vacations just to promote a new drug that has come out they call it promote when it really is just drug pushing I can go on for hours about this because it's something that my father is very passionate about and ever since I was a small baby I've been listening to all of his speeches on the matter but I'm going to leave some information for the next blog where I will tell you about the cancer industry and the doctors who have cured cancer but are persecuted for it and jailed like common criminals.

Well I hope you enjoyed, this is Sage Master signing out!

Monday, October 19, 2015


Hello guys today I am going to be reviewing Sword Art Online and I cant say this enough, this is the best anime of all time, this is my favorite anime ever. Its just really awesome.This anime is about a Massively multiplayer online role playing game(MMORPG). The creator of the game one day locks the game so no one can log out and makes it so if you die in the game you die in real life so this game becomes real life for the people because they cant log out until somebody beats the game. And, the game is 100 levels of dungeons long and people cant even get to the like 20th level because its so hard. But, the main character is a BADA$$ gamer that is as powerful as a admin. Its basically the life of that gamer and the people in the game surviving through the game.One very important thing that i think is awesome is that he only goes solo.

But yeah i really highly recommend this anime.Its awesome.I give this anime a outstanding 5 stars plus an extra star so like a total of 6 stars.

This is Sage Master signing out!☺☻

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Gurren Lagann

Hello guys today we are going to be reviewing a anime that for me is one of the best animes of all time. When I was finished watching this anime it was so emotional that i almost cried lol. Gurren Lagann is about a future where humanity is trapped underground and a kid is digging holes to expand his city. But he finds a really interesting device that lets him fight enemies and take back the surface. With the help of friends he takes back the surface.

This is Sage Master signing out!

Monday, October 5, 2015


K is a anime that is pretty cool and is nice to watch. In this anime the course of history takes a slightly different course than the one we are familiar with.The main character K plays a role as a boy who gets caught up in a battle with seven kings.The main character is also accused of a crime he has no recollection of. But he encounters the blue and red king and that encounter changes his life for ever.

 I watched this anime a long time ago and I just thought I would make a nice review so thanks for reading I hoped you enjoyed!

☺☻ This is Sage Master Signing out!

Friday, September 25, 2015

SUMMARY OF: 10 reasons why anime nerds are highly satisfied in life

Why are anime nerds so highly satisfied in life?  The first thing is that they are immersed in vivid colors regularly, they exercise their imagination, they often learn new things, they explore the meaningful concepts regularly, they really value friendship, they always have a perfect cure for a bad day, they know that nothing is impossible, they can easily make new friends, they are comfortable with being weird, and they get to cosplay.

Opinion: I kind of am a anime nerd myself and I agree with this article but the parts I mostly agree with are the parts were it says they exercise their imagination, they often learn new things, they know nothing is impossible, and they always have a cure for a bad day!

I hope you enjoyed this short summary, thanks for reading!

This is Sage Master signing out!! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The dark secret behind Destiny's lost story and cut content | Destiny Ga...

                                        Hello guys today is the day you have all been probably waiting for, we will be revealing Destiny s dark secret . Destiny is a very good game yes that is true but it is not the game Bungie promised years ago. Destiny was supposed to be so much more complex and bigger and just so much more interesting and fun. The reason why we don't have the game that they promised is because of money, they decided it would be cheaper and more prophet-able to sell a big  game in little pieces. The problem with what they did was that they took out many details of the story and butchered the whole game and story line. But, it wasn't bungies fault because bungie is a very good company that can make a awesome game when ever they want. The problem was that bungie switched from Microsoft to Activision and Microsoft believed in bungie and let them do the game that they wanted to create, and they let them do there game freely. Activision wasn't like Microsoft they kept them on a tight leash and wanted a lot of money off of this game. That's why some of the head writers and employees quit bungie mysteriously without saying why, because they knew they couldn't do there game freely and that Activision was trying to scam people. I will let the video explain, it will explain a lot more than what I can.

I give all credits of the video to a you-tuber that was very generous with me and let me share this video with you guys. His name is Latenightgaming if you could please help him out and subscribe to his channel that would be great.

This is the Sage Master signing out!!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Shakugan No Shana

Hello guys   i am back with another awesome review on Shakugan No Shana. It's a pretty cool anime that you can watch when you just wanna waste some time. It's not the best anime but I feel it deserves a review. That is why i am going to try my best to explain this anime.
  The main character (Yuji Sakai) learns there is more to the world than school and finding a girlfriend. When the main character meets a sword-wielding girl with fiery red eyes and flame-colored hair. It's up to the Flame Haze (Shana) to slay the denizens of the Crimson Realm. He accompany s her to fight other denizens around the area. He knows it's dangerous but he wants to learn more about what he is and why they fight. Shana is a flame haze that kills flames over the city because the flames are fake people. Overall its a pretty interesting anime that is addicting to watch for a while.I give this anime 3 stars. 

Thanks guys for reading I know this post was kind of not exciting but i hoped you enjoyed. I hope my next post will make it up to you guys, it's going to be about Destiny's dark secret.

This is Sage Master signing out !!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Hello guys I am back with another awesome review on Destiny. Destiny is a first person shooter with the customization of being able to create a class of a hunter, warlock, and a titan these three people are called guardians. well once you have made your guardian you get to travel through a choice of planets, the choices you have are the Earth, Moon, Venus, and Mars.But, that's not all, you can go on raids and difficult activities with a group of your friends.What you do on these planets are missions but there is a part of the game that is called crucible which is a place were you go to fight people and show your skills online. Well going back onto the guardians, if your a person that likes to be really fast and sneaky, to be able to get out of sticky situations the guardian for you is the hunter. Titans are for people that like to have very tough armor to withstand more hits, with the consequence of being slower than the other classes. Well if your a person that likes to have a little bit of both, quickness and toughness then the character for you is the Warlock, he is strong, quick, and tough. Now i am going to tell you about the sub-classes of the guardians. The Hunter has the sub-classes of golden gun and blade dancer, golden gun is the skill to pull out a hand canon that fires three shots of a golden flaming bullet that leave the enemy close to dead or dead, and blade dancer is being able to kill the enemy while dancing with a blade in each hand. The warlock has the sub-classes of voidwalker and sunsinger, voidwalker gives you the ability to throw a huge nova bomb at enemies, it doesn't leave a trace behind of any type of life form or enemy, sunsinger upgrades agility, strength, and armor and it revives you from death. The Titans have the subclasses of striker and defender,striker is the ability to be able to smash on the ground and send a shocking wave all around you killing all your enemies, defender gives you the ability to make a bubble that works as a shield against any enemy, and when an enemy comes inside your shield they become weak and you get the advantage. Also you can only pick one subclass per character. They also have expansions with new missions but the newest expansion has new subclasses, but that one has not come out yet. Well i hope you enjoyed my review. But even with all these good things that this game has and even though this is a very good game, destiny has a very dark secret they don't want to reveal to the public and i will be revealing this secret in one of my next blogs.

Thanks for reading, this is Sage Master signing out!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Log Horizon Review

Today we will be reviewing Log Horizon. Log Horizon is a anime show just like the anime series Sword Art online for those of you that have watched Sword Art Online and liked it, then this is a perfect anime because it was very much like it. Personally I liked Sword Art Online better but this is still a very exciting and active anime. Well for those of you who haven't watched Sword Art Online this is a anime that is about a mmorpg (massive multiplayer online role playing game).In this anime everybody playing the mmorpg gets sucked in to it and it becomes reality.Then they will all have to survive in this fiction world filled with fighting and sorcery.This is when we will see leaders, fighters, and legends being born. I give this anime 3.5 stars. Well i hope you have fun with this anime and enjoy!!

Places where to find this anime:

This is Sage Master signing out!